Jeys Marabini

Jeys Marabini

"I had a wonderful experience attending Roots Music from Southern Africa festival in 2012 and 2013, it was my first time to be in Austria and to perform in Austria. I found the people very welcoming and they loved my music very much. Roots Music from Southern Africa is a festival that gives opportunities to musicians from Africa and other parts of the world to meet, perform together and share ideas. This festival acts as a springboard for African musicians as it exposes musicians to an international audience and this opens up new avenues for us as musicians. This year 2014, in summer I will be touring Austria with my band as a result of the opportunities I got while performing at Roots Music from Southern Africa festival."

Cornelia Pesendorfer

Cornelia Pesendorfer, Chornissen

"Thank you for letting us take part in building this musical bridge between Europe and Africa."


Marietheres van Veen, Sängerin bei den CHORyphäen, Krems

"Was mir besonders gefallen hat: Die Herausforderung in einer völlig fremden Sprache auswendig zu singen. Die Herzlichkeit mit der uns AmateurInnen diese sensationellen Musiker begegnet sind. Die Begeisterung, die dieses Konzert im Publikum auslöste."